Background reading:
Installation and
Quick Start.
To access the configuration dialog select Menu->Knowtator->Configure. The configuration dialog
looks like this:
This dialog allows you to set the following:
- default annotator - every annotation should have an annotator specified. The annotator is the person (or team) who created
an annotation. Setting a default annotator tells Knowtator to automatically fill in the annotator of a new annotation with the value given.
- default annotation set - you may want to group your annotations into sets by adding a value or values to an annotations property
called 'annotation set membership'. Setting a default annotation set tells Knowtator to automatically fill in the 'annotation set membership'
of a new annotation with the value given.
- root classes - tell Knowtator which classes (and their subclasses) to display in the annotation schema. By default Knowtator will
show all classes by setting the class ":THING" as the single root class. This exposes many classes (including system classes and knowtator support classes)
that are not appropriate for use in annotation. The root classes should be the classes that you have defined in your annotation schema that
reside at the top of your class hierarchy.
- active filters - tell Knowtator which filters to make available to the annotator in the filter navigation buttons.
To learn more about filters please see the filters page.
- token boundary regular expression - tells what Knowtator what the "word" boundaries should be for improved selection of text. Setting
this regex only limits how a user can select a span of text in the text viewer. However, they can easily override this restriction using the
span edit buttons.
- currently selected filter - tells Knowtator which filter is currenly selected. In general you should not need to set this manually.
- color assignments - tells Knowtator what colors to use for classes in the annotation schema.
The following icons are used throughout this dialog:
- - The 'View Instance' button will display a value and allow you to edit that value.
- - The 'Create Instance' button will create a new value, show a dialog to edit the new value, and
add the value to the property.
- - The 'Add Instance' button will add a value that already exists to the property.
- - The 'Remove Instance' button will remove a value from the property.
The following steps through setting the default annotator for a new annotation project:
- Select Menu->Knowtator->Configure
- For the property labeled 'default annotator' click the 'Create Instance' button (looks like this ).
- A dialog appears labeled 'Select Concrete Cls'. Select 'knowtator human annotator' and click OK.
- A dialog appears labeled ' , (instance of...'. Fill in the properties 'first name', 'last_name', and 'affiliation'. You
may optionally fill in 'annotator id' if this is useful to you.
The following steps through adding a color assignment:
- Select Menu->Knowtator->Configure
- For the property labeled 'color assignments' click the 'Create Instance' button (looks like this ).
- A very small (and ugly) dialog apears labeled ' / (inst...'.
- For the property labeled 'class' click the 'Add Class' button. Select a class from your annotation schema.
- For the property labeled 'color' click the 'Add Instance' button. Select a color instance from the right hand side of the 'Select Instance' dialog
and click OK.
The colors that are listed can be previewed here.
- The colors do not always instantaneously update. If you want to refresh the colors you can save, close, and reopen the project.
Maintained by Philip V. Ogren.
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