001    /*
002     * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
003     * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
004     * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
005     * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
006     *
007     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
008     * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
009     * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
010     * rights and limitations under the License.
011     *
012     * The Original Code is Knowtator.
013     *
014     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University of Colorado.  
015     * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008.  All Rights Reserved.
016     *
017     * Knowtator was developed by the Center for Computational Pharmacology
018     * (http://compbio.uchcs.edu) at the University of Colorado Health 
019     *  Sciences Center School of Medicine with support from the National 
020     *  Library of Medicine.  
021     *
022     * Current information about Knowtator can be obtained at 
023     * http://knowtator.sourceforge.net/
024     *
025     * Contributor(s):
026     *   Philip V. Ogren <philip@ogren.info> (Original Author)
027     */
029    package edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator;
031    import java.util.ArrayList;
032    import java.util.Collection;
033    import java.util.Collections;
034    import java.util.HashMap;
035    import java.util.HashSet;
036    import java.util.List;
037    import java.util.Map;
038    import java.util.Set;
040    import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls;
041    import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Instance;
042    import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.KnowledgeBase;
043    import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Project;
044    import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.SimpleInstance;
045    import edu.stanford.smi.protege.util.CollectionUtilities;
046    import edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.event.SpanEditEvent;
047    import edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.event.SpanEditListener;
048    import edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.textsource.TextSource;
049    import edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.textsource.TextSourceAccessException;
050    import edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.util.ProtegeUtil;
052    /**
053     * Authors: Philip V. Ogren Created: September, 2004 Description: This class
054     * aids in creating, editing and retrieving annotation intances as well as the
055     * supporting annotation classes. The annotation model is defined in
056     * annotations.pprj. This project must be included when the annotator plug-in is
057     * used. Todo: AnnotationUtil should really not have an instance of knowtator as
058     * a member variable. I need to create the appropriate listeners, so that
059     * Knowtator can take care of itself as it see fits. Changes: 02/28/2005 added
060     * annotation filter functionality 05/02/2005 package changed to ...knowtator
061     * 8/11/2005 pvo added getReferencedAnnotations method 10/04/2005 Changed
062     * signature of main createAnnotations method so that a string for the spanned
063     * text can be passed in. This removes the necessity of gathering the spanned
064     * text from the actual text source which may be an unnecessary task if you are
065     * copying an annotation (e.g. as in MergeAnnotations). This change had a small
066     * ripple effect on other methods: setSpans, updateAnnotationText 10/04/2005
067     * Changed name of deleteAnnotationMention to deleteMention (I just didn't like
068     * the name!)
069     */
071    public class AnnotationUtil implements SpanEditListener {
073            KnowtatorManager manager;
075            KnowtatorProjectUtil kpu;
077            KnowledgeBase kb;
079            Project project;
081            TextSourceUtil textSourceUtil;
083            MentionUtil mentionUtil;
085            Map<SimpleInstance, java.util.List<Span>> annotationSpansCache;
087            public AnnotationUtil(KnowtatorManager manager) {
088                    this.manager = manager;
089                    kpu = manager.getKnowtatorProjectUtil();
090                    kb = manager.getKnowledgeBase();
091                    this.project = kb.getProject();
092                    annotationSpansCache = new HashMap<SimpleInstance, java.util.List<Span>>();
093                    // EventHandler.getInstance().addSpanEditListener(this); //not needed
094                    // because SpanUtil updates list retrieved from getSpans()
095            }
097            public void setTextSourceUtil(TextSourceUtil textSourceUtil) {
098                    this.textSourceUtil = textSourceUtil;
099            }
101            public void setMentionUtil(MentionUtil mentionUtil) {
102                    this.mentionUtil = mentionUtil;
103            }
105            /**
106             * This method deletes the mention of annotation.
107             * 
108             * Although it is not possible with the current interface to associate a
109             * mention with more than one annotation, there is no other reason why this
110             * can't happen. If a mention is associated with more than one annotation,
111             * then the mention will not be deleted.
112             * 
113             * @param annotation
114             *            the mention of this annotation will be deleted via
115             *            mentionUtil.deleteMention.
116             * 
117             */
119            public void deleteMention(SimpleInstance annotation) {
120                    SimpleInstance mention = getMention(annotation);
122                    if (mention != null) {
123                            mentionUtil.deleteMention(mention);
124                    }
126            }
128            public void spanEditted(SpanEditEvent see) {
129                    annotationSpansCache.remove(see.getAnnotation());
130            }
132            /**
133             * Returns a list of Span objects that correspond to the span values given
134             * to an annotation instance. The spans will be ordered as defined by the
135             * Comparable interface implementation in Span. If a span value from an
136             * annotation does not parse (i.e. has a string value that is not in the
137             * correct span format), then an InvalidSpanException will be thrown.
138             * 
139             * @param annotation
140             *            the spans for the annotation will be returned
141             * @return a list of spans corresponding to the annotation's
142             *         kpu.getAnnotationSpanSlot()
143             */
144            public java.util.List<Span> getSpans(SimpleInstance annotation) throws InvalidSpanException {
145                    return getSpans(annotation, false);
146            }
148            /**
149             * Returns a list of Span objects that correspond to the span values given
150             * to an annotation instance. The spans will be ordered as defined by the
151             * Comparable interface implementation in Span. If a span value from an
152             * annotation does not parse (i.e. has a string value that is not in the
153             * correct span format), then an InvalidSpanException will be thrown.
154             * 
155             * @param annotation
156             *            the spans for the annotation will be returned
157             * @return a list of spans corresponding to the annotation's
158             *         kpu.getAnnotationSpanSlot()
159             */
160            public java.util.List<Span> getSpans(SimpleInstance annotation, boolean ignoreCache) throws InvalidSpanException {
161                    if (annotation == null)
162                            return Collections.emptyList();
163                    if (annotationSpansCache.containsKey(annotation) && !ignoreCache) {
164                            return annotationSpansCache.get(annotation);
165                    }
167                    Collection<String> spanStrings = ProtegeUtil.castStrings(annotation.getOwnSlotValues(kpu.annotationSpanSlot));
169                    ArrayList<Span> spans = new ArrayList<Span>();
170                    for (String spanString : spanStrings) {
171                            spans.add(Span.parseSpan(spanString));
172                    }
174                    Collections.sort(spans);
175                    annotationSpansCache.put(annotation, spans);
176                    return spans;
177            }
179            /**
180             * Sets the spans slot for an annotation instance. If a
181             * 
182             * @param annotation
183             *            set the span slot for the passed in annotation
184             * @param spans
185             *            a list of spans for the annotation. This will typically be a
186             *            list of 1 span object, but may occasionally have a 2 or more
187             *            spans.
188             * @param spannedText
189             *            if null, then the text from the text source for the annotation
190             *            will be used to determine the spannedText. If the spannedText
191             *            is already known, then it may be useful to pass in the
192             *            spannedText. Passing in an empty string will cause the
193             *            spannedText to be an empty string.
194             */
195            public void setSpans(SimpleInstance annotation, java.util.List<Span> spans, String spannedText)
196                            throws TextSourceAccessException {
197                    ArrayList<String> spanStrings = new ArrayList<String>(spans.size());
198                    for (Span span : spans) {
199                            spanStrings.add(span.toString());
200                    }
201                    annotation.setOwnSlotValues(kpu.annotationSpanSlot, spanStrings);
202                    if (spannedText == null && spans.size() > 0)
203                            updateSpannedText(annotation, spans);
204                    else {
205                            setText(annotation, spannedText);
206                    }
207                    annotationSpansCache.put(annotation, spans);
208            }
210            /**
211             * updates the spanned text of an annotation of a text source. This is does
212             * this by calling TextSource.getText(spans). If TextSource cannot be found
213             * using TextSourceUtil.getTextSource(TextSource), then a
214             * TextSourceAccessException is thrown.
215             * 
216             * @param annotation
217             *            the annotation whose spanned text is being updated
218             * @param spans
219             *            the spans corresponding to offsets in the text source.
220             */
221            private void updateSpannedText(SimpleInstance annotation, java.util.List<Span> spans)
222                            throws TextSourceAccessException {
223                    SimpleInstance textSource = getTextSource(annotation);
224                    if (textSource != null) {
225                            TextSource ts = textSourceUtil.getTextSource(textSource);
226                            String spannedText = ts.getText(spans);
227                            setText(annotation, spannedText);
228                    }
229            }
231            /**
232             * Returns the "annotation" instances associated with a TextSource if the
233             * TextSource does not have a corresponding "text source" instance in the
234             * knowledgebase, then null is returned. If the "text source" instance does
235             * exist then all of the "annotation" instances are found and returned. If
236             * none are found, an empty array of instances is returned.
237             */
239            public Collection<SimpleInstance> getAnnotations(TextSource textSource) {
240                    SimpleInstance textSourceInstance = textSourceUtil.getTextSourceInstance(textSource, false);
241                    if (textSourceInstance == null)
242                            return null;
243                    else
244                            return getAnnotations(textSourceInstance);
245            }
247            public Collection<SimpleInstance> getAnnotations(String textSourceName) {
248                    SimpleInstance textSourceInstance = (SimpleInstance) kb.getInstance(textSourceName);
249                    if (textSourceInstance != null) {
250                            return getAnnotations(textSourceInstance);
251                    } else {
252                            return null;
253                    }
254            }
256            /**
257             * Does the work of finding all "annotation" instances that have the
258             * textSourceInstance as the value of "annotation_text_source" slot.
259             */
260            public Collection<SimpleInstance> getAnnotations(SimpleInstance textSourceInstance) {
261                    Collection<Instance> annotations = kb.getInstances(kpu.getAnnotationCls());
262                    Collection<SimpleInstance> returnValues = new ArrayList<SimpleInstance>();
263                    for (Instance ann : annotations) {
264                            SimpleInstance annotation = (SimpleInstance) ann;
265                            SimpleInstance ts = getTextSource(annotation);
266                            if (ts != null && ts.equals(textSourceInstance)) {
267                                    returnValues.add(annotation);
268                            }
269                    }
270                    return returnValues;
271            }
273            public SimpleInstance createAnnotation(Cls annotationCls, java.util.List<Span> spans, String spannedText,
274                            String textSourceName) throws TextSourceAccessException {
275                    return createAnnotation(annotationCls, spans, spannedText, textSourceName, null, null);
276            }
278            public SimpleInstance createAnnotation(Cls annotationCls, java.util.List<Span> spans, String spannedText,
279                            String textSourceName, SimpleInstance annotator, SimpleInstance set) throws TextSourceAccessException {
280                    SimpleInstance mention = mentionUtil.createMention(annotationCls);
281                    SimpleInstance textSource = kb.getSimpleInstance(textSourceName);
282                    if (textSource == null)
283                            textSource = kb.createSimpleInstance(null, textSourceName, CollectionUtilities.createCollection(kpu.getTextSourceCls()),
284                                            true);
286                    Collection<SimpleInstance> annotationSets = new ArrayList<SimpleInstance>();
287                    if (set != null) {
288                            annotationSets.add(set);
289                    }
290                    return createAnnotation(mention, annotator, spans, spannedText, textSource, annotationSets);
291            }
293            /**
294             * If the textSource does not have a corresponding instance in the kb, then
295             * one will be created.
296             */
298            public SimpleInstance createAnnotation(SimpleInstance mention, SimpleInstance annotator,
299                            java.util.List<Span> spans, TextSource textSource, SimpleInstance annotationSet)
300                            throws TextSourceAccessException {
301                    SimpleInstance textSourceInstance = textSourceUtil.getTextSourceInstance(textSource, true);
303                    return createAnnotation(mention, annotator, spans, textSourceInstance, annotationSet);
304            }
306            public SimpleInstance createAnnotation(SimpleInstance mention, SimpleInstance annotator,
307                            java.util.List<Span> spans, SimpleInstance textSourceInstance, SimpleInstance annotationSet)
308                            throws TextSourceAccessException {
309                    Collection<SimpleInstance> annotationSets = new ArrayList<SimpleInstance>();
310                    if (annotationSet != null) {
311                            annotationSets.add(annotationSet);
312                    }
314                    return createAnnotation(mention, annotator, spans, null, textSourceInstance, annotationSets);
315            }
317            public SimpleInstance createAnnotation(SimpleInstance mention, SimpleInstance annotator,
318                            java.util.List<Span> spans, String spannedText, SimpleInstance textSourceInstance,
319                            java.util.Collection<SimpleInstance> annotationSets) throws TextSourceAccessException {
320                    SimpleInstance annotationInstance = kb.createSimpleInstance(null, null, CollectionUtilities
321                                    .createCollection(kpu.annotationCls), true);
322                    if (mention != null) {
323                            annotationInstance.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.annotatedMentionSlot, mention);
324                    }
326                    if (annotator != null) {
327                            annotationInstance.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.annotationAnnotatorSlot, annotator);
328                    }
330                    if (annotationSets != null && annotationSets.size() > 0) {
331                            annotationInstance.setOwnSlotValues(kpu.setSlot, annotationSets);
332                    }
334                    if (textSourceInstance != null) {
335                            annotationInstance.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.annotationTextSourceSlot, textSourceInstance);
336                    }
338                    setSpans(annotationInstance, spans, spannedText);
340                    return annotationInstance;
342            }
344            /**
345             * Creates an annotation. Overloaded to include the creation date in the
346             * annotation. Designed to be used for creating the annotation while
347             * importing an XML file.
348             * 
349             * @param creationDate
350             *            A String representation of the date (time stamp) the
351             *            annotation was created.
352             * 
353             * @throws TextSourceAccessException
354             */
355            public SimpleInstance createAnnotation(SimpleInstance mention, SimpleInstance annotator,
356                            java.util.List<Span> spans, String spannedText, SimpleInstance textSourceInstance,
357                            java.util.Collection<SimpleInstance> annotationSets, String creationDate) throws TextSourceAccessException {
359                    SimpleInstance annotationInstance = createAnnotation(mention, annotator, spans, spannedText,
360                                    textSourceInstance, annotationSets);
362                    if (creationDate != null) {
363                            setCreationDate(annotationInstance, creationDate);
364                    }
366                    return annotationInstance;
367            }
369            /**
370             * This method returns true if two annotations have exactly the same spans.
371             */
372            public boolean compareSpans(SimpleInstance annotation1, SimpleInstance annotation2) {
373                    try {
374                            java.util.List<Span> spans1 = getSpans(annotation1);
375                            java.util.List<Span> spans2 = getSpans(annotation2);
377                            return Span.spansMatch(spans1, spans2);
378                    } catch (InvalidSpanException ise) {
379                            return false;
380                    }
381            }
383            public boolean compareSpans(List<SimpleInstance> annotations) {
384                    for (int i = 1; i < annotations.size(); i++) {
385                            if (!compareSpans(annotations.get(0), annotations.get(i)))
386                                    return false;
387                    }
388                    return true;
389            }
391            public boolean isAnnotation(SimpleInstance annotation) {
392                    if (annotation == null)
393                            return false;
395                    Cls type = annotation.getDirectType();
396                    if (type == null)
397                            return false;
398                    if (type.equals(kpu.getAnnotationCls())) {
399                            return true;
400                    }
401                    return type.getSuperclasses().contains(kpu.getAnnotationCls());
402            }
404            public boolean hasTeamAnnotator(SimpleInstance annotation) {
405                    SimpleInstance annotator = getAnnotator(annotation);
406                    if (annotator == null)
407                            return false;
408                    Cls annotatorType = annotator.getDirectType();
409                    if (annotatorType == null)
410                            return false;
411                    if (annotatorType.equals(kpu.getTeamAnnotatorCls()))
412                            return true;
413                    return annotatorType.getSuperclasses().contains(kpu.getTeamAnnotatorCls());
415            }
417            public void setProjectAnnotator(SimpleInstance annotation) {
418                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
419                            setAnnotator(annotation, manager.getSelectedAnnotator());
420                    }
421            }
423            public void setProjectAnnotationSet(SimpleInstance annotation) {
424                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
425                            setSet(annotation, manager.getSelectedAnnotationSet());
426                    }
427            }
429            /**
430             * Returns all annotations that are related to the passed in annotation. If
431             * an annotation is the slot value of another annotation (or more correctly
432             * if the mention of an annotation is a slot mention's value of another
433             * annotation's mention).
434             * 
435             * This method recursively gathers all annotations that are related (not
436             * just directly related).
437             */
439            public Set<SimpleInstance> getRelatedAnnotations(SimpleInstance annotation) {
440                    Set<SimpleInstance> referencedAnnotations = new HashSet<SimpleInstance>();
441                    _getRelatedAnnotations(annotation, referencedAnnotations);
442                    return referencedAnnotations;
443            }
445            private void _getRelatedAnnotations(SimpleInstance annotation, Set<SimpleInstance> referencedAnnotations) {
446                    SimpleInstance mentionInstance = getMention(annotation);
447                    if (mentionInstance != null) {
448                            List<SimpleInstance> referencedMentions = mentionUtil.getRelatedMentions(mentionInstance);
449                            for (SimpleInstance referencedMention : referencedMentions) {
450                                    SimpleInstance ann = mentionUtil.getMentionAnnotation(referencedMention);
451                                    if (!referencedAnnotations.contains(ann)) {
452                                            referencedAnnotations.add(ann);
453                                            _getRelatedAnnotations(ann, referencedAnnotations);
454                                    }
455                            }
456                    }
457            }
459            public List<SimpleInstance> retrieveAllAnnotations() {
460                    Collection<SimpleInstance> instances = ProtegeUtil.castSimpleInstances(kpu.getAnnotationCls().getInstances());
461                    List<SimpleInstance> annotations = new ArrayList<SimpleInstance>(instances);
462                    return annotations;
463            }
465            public void setAnnotator(SimpleInstance annotation, SimpleInstance annotator) {
466                    if (isAnnotation(annotation) && annotator != null) {
467                            annotation.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationAnnotatorSlot(), annotator);
468                    }
469            }
471            public void setSet(SimpleInstance annotation, SimpleInstance set) {
472                    Collection<SimpleInstance> sets = new ArrayList<SimpleInstance>();
473                    sets.add(set);
474                    setSets(annotation, sets);
475            }
477            public void setSets(SimpleInstance annotation, Collection<SimpleInstance> sets) {
478                    if (sets == null) {
479                            sets = Collections.emptyList();
480                    }
481                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
482                            annotation.setOwnSlotValues(kpu.getSetSlot(), sets);
483                    }
484            }
486            public Set<SimpleInstance> getSets(SimpleInstance annotation) {
487                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
488                            Collection<SimpleInstance> sets = ProtegeUtil.castSimpleInstances(annotation.getOwnSlotValues(kpu
489                                            .getSetSlot()));
490                            if (sets != null) {
491                                    return new HashSet<SimpleInstance>(sets);
492                            }
493                    }
494                    return Collections.emptySet();
495            }
497            public SimpleInstance getTextSource(SimpleInstance annotation) {
498                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
499                            SimpleInstance textSource = (SimpleInstance) annotation.getOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationTextSourceSlot());
500                            return textSource;
501                    }
502                    return null;
503            }
505            public void setTextSource(SimpleInstance annotation, SimpleInstance textSource) {
506                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
507                            annotation.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationTextSourceSlot(), textSource);
508                    }
509            }
511            public String getText(SimpleInstance annotation) {
512                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
513                            return (String) annotation.getOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationTextSlot());
514                    }
515                    return null;
516            }
518            public void setText(SimpleInstance annotation, String spannedText) {
519                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
520                            annotation.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationTextSlot(), spannedText);
521                    }
522            }
524            public boolean spansOverlap(SimpleInstance annotation1, SimpleInstance annotation2) {
525                    try {
526                            List<Span> spans1 = getSpans(annotation1);
527                            List<Span> spans2 = getSpans(annotation2);
528                            return Span.intersects(spans1, spans2);
529                    } catch (InvalidSpanException ise) {
530                            return false;
531                    }
532            }
534            /**
535             * @return the size of the span associated with the annotation. If the
536             *         annotation has more than one span, then the sum of the size of
537             *         the spans is returned.
538             * @throws InvalidSpanException
539             *             if the annotation has a badly formed span, then an exception
540             *             will be thrown.
541             */
543            public int getSize(SimpleInstance annotation) throws InvalidSpanException {
544                    List<Span> spans = getSpans(annotation);
545                    int size = 0;
546                    for (Span span : spans) {
547                            size += span.getSize();
548                    }
549                    return size;
550            }
552            /**
553             * This method returns the shortest annotation - that is the annotation
554             * whose span is the shortest. If an annotation has more than one span, then
555             * its size is the sum of the size of each of its spans.
556             * 
557             * @param annotations
558             * @return will only return one annotation. In the case of a tie, will
559             *         return the first annotation with the smallest size encountered
560             *         during iteration. Returns null if annotation.size() == 0 or if
561             *         each of the annotations has poorly formed spans (very unlikely).
562             */
564            public SimpleInstance getShortestAnnotation(Collection<SimpleInstance> annotations) {
565                    if (annotations.size() == 0)
566                            return null;
568                    SimpleInstance shortestAnnotation = null;
569                    int shortestAnnotationLength = -1;
571                    for (SimpleInstance annotation : annotations) {
572                            try {
573                                    int annotationSize = getSize(annotation);
574                                    if (shortestAnnotationLength == -1 || annotationSize < shortestAnnotationLength) {
575                                            shortestAnnotation = annotation;
576                                            shortestAnnotationLength = annotationSize;
577                                    }
578                            } catch (InvalidSpanException ise) {
579                                    continue;
580                            }
581                    }
582                    return shortestAnnotation;
583            }
585            public SimpleInstance getMention(SimpleInstance annotation) {
586                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
587                            SimpleInstance mention = (SimpleInstance) annotation.getOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotatedMentionSlot());
588                            return mention;
589                    }
590                    return null;
591            }
593            public void setMention(SimpleInstance annotation, SimpleInstance mention) {
594                    if (isAnnotation(annotation) && mentionUtil.isMention(mention)) {
595                            annotation.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotatedMentionSlot(), mention);
596                    }
597            }
599            public SimpleInstance getAnnotator(SimpleInstance annotation) {
600                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
601                            return (SimpleInstance) annotation.getOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationAnnotatorSlot());
602                    }
603                    return null;
604            }
606            public String getComment(SimpleInstance annotation) {
607                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
608                            return (String) annotation.getOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationCommentSlot());
609                    }
610                    return null;
611            }
613            public void setComment(SimpleInstance annotation, String comment) {
614                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
615                            annotation.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationCommentSlot(), comment);
616                    }
617            }
619            public String getCreationDate(SimpleInstance annotation) {
620                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
621                            return (String) annotation.getOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationCreationDateSlot());
622                    }
623                    return null;
624            }
626            public void setCreationDate(SimpleInstance annotation, String creationDate) {
627                    if (isAnnotation(annotation)) {
628                            annotation.setOwnSlotValue(kpu.getAnnotationCreationDateSlot(), creationDate);
629                    }
630            }
632    }